Pellek Pellek - Transmigration

Filled my wicker basket to the brim with salt-spicy foods –I feel like a king
Because now, in a few thousand miles,
I've seen and done it all!
All thanks to my daughter who understood
That treatment would do me no good
Now in less than a year I've been everywhere,
Mostly at sea and some in the air flying high!

From my cold norway along the coast
Through russian waters in my old boat
And we challenged the sea of okhotsk
Volcanoes and japanese docks
Temples and a kind monk who shared his tea
With a freezing norwegian from the sea

We crossed the pacific in a brigantine,
Heard the island tern's soft scream
The lighthouse at God's pocket, sea stars and seals –
Orca whales in the gleam
Shining down through junipers and silver firs,
I pulled our provisions right out of the earth
Through a modernized, scary dark place
I ran and I ran through fire and flames

And I rebuilt a worn out balloon,
Sailed in the air with the sun and the moon
Now I'm flying away, up, up and away
We crossed the pacific in a brigantine,
Heard the island tern's soft scream
The lighthouse at God's pocket, sea stars and seals –
Orca whales in the gleam